This event aims to promote the use of new technologies and the importance of R&D&i in the field of agrifood to improve and evolve more remarkably. Ingecontrol presented projects in which it is working, like MEDITOMATO and different success cases also related. In addition to a formal presentation, a practical session was held in which specific applications and hardware related to MEDITOMATO such as computer vision, augmented reality, location systems and different examples of IoT were shown.



January 30th, 2020

Event name

Tools to foster R&D&i


University of Zaragoza (Agrifood Institute of Aragon, IA2), Spain

Meditomato participants


Nature of participation


Number of attendees


Feedback & added-value

A positive feedback was received from the audience since many people discussed about the technical aspects of the MEDITOMATO concept. In particular, the MEDITOMATO experience was shared with other relevant stakeholders in the Aragonese Agrofood value chain.

